Monday, August 6, 2007

where did the time go?

so we have a show at the Pennant East this sateryday we are getting ready for, we have been working for like a week and a half strait with hard ass work,,,,, im dieing... i need more time to promote the skateboards , and time to learn adobe go live, and all that fun stuff..... and also need to get my racecar done. and clean my room, and sleep, and just need more time lol..... and we have like 2 weeks till TMM bootcamp and haven't gone out much lol..... but this weekend i think friday might be good.... and gotta get to buddy;s to get this project bumble bee under way.... and his damn tool box lol....... and i need to just get a tick more time, or get a easier job lolol

1 comment:

JrZyBud said...

Dude ... you spelled Saturday wrong